The Krabby Patty Cupcake!
For those who don't watch Spongebob, Spongebob works at The Krusty Krab making krabby patties. The characters either work at the Krusty Krab, or they eat there, or they are trying to steal the krabby patty secret formula.
Saying that Jack loves Spongebob is an understatement. I know, he is too young for Spongebob. After he was introduced to Spongebob last summer at the beach (when he was ONE!) he just became obsessed. He would recognize anything Spongebob on t-shirts, back packs, magazines, toys, anything - and scream "bubbob!!!!!" So we let him watch it with his sisters and he seriously cries when it's over. He really pays attention to the whole show, makes comments like "Pa-tick funny!" and talks about what happened when the show is over.
So, a krabby patty cupcake it had to be. It's very easy:
The bun is a vanilla cupcake (box mix) and the patty is a chocolate cupcake (also box mix). After the cupcakes are cooled, you cut the middle out of the vanilla cupcake so it looks more like a bun, add a few sesame seeds on top. I cut the top of the chocolate cupcakes off to use as my patties. I bought one tall container of whipped white frosting and divided into three bowls. I used red, green and yellow food coloring to turn the frosting into ketchup, lettuce and mustard. I assembled them with the kids, which was the funnest part. We just used spreaders for the frosting and repeated the order: Bottom bun, mustard, patty, ketchup, lettuce, top bun. Voila! Jack's very own krabby patty. Amanda wants her official cupcake to be the krabby patty now too.

Jack on his big day, officially two years old. It just happened so quickly! I swear it was just yesterday that he looked like this:
He was a good baby and now he is a good little man. He says "please" and "tank oooo" without having to be reminded, he is a great sleeper, he is nice to his sisters and comforts them if they are upset or hurt. He will pat their backs sweetly and ask "okay?" and sometimes he will even say "sowwy" even though he didn't do anything!
Happy Birthday Jack, we love you!
Also, I'm not sure why she is being so serious, but Elizabeth found this ball in the playroom. It is the exact ball that told the girls they would be having a brother. After the big ultrasound, we planned to give the girls a paper bag that would contain a pink ball if it was a sister, or a blue ball if it was a brother. I'll never forget the look on their faces when they pulled out the blue ball. Until that point, they had been praying for a sister. There were a few seconds of total silence, then the gears shifted and the girls start screaming with excitement about their soon to be baby brother. The girls were all about having a brother (a real bug squisher!) from that moment on.
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