There can be peace without Blue's Clues. It's a miracle!!!!!!
Because I'm the Mommy and I said so.
It was so big, it didn't fit with the regular bikes and electric vehicle nonsense. It needed a huge amount of floor space, so it just sat out in the aisle and waited for Jack to notice. I think he may have flipped the stroller upside down, I don't remember. It was just a blur that reminded me of the few WWF shows I've watched (when they used to steal the SNL time slot). Jack turned into a monster. The girls liked it too, but Jack acted like he finally found himself.
The vehicle didn't work, so I let Jack have his fun for almost 10 minutes while the girls pounded on computers. He refused to get out, and had his first scary full blown tantrum when I finally pulled him out. He kicked and screamed and some man looking at robots(?) told me you can't take a boy away from his toys. Um...whatever you say robot dude.
Jack still hasn't forgiven me. I never saw a price tag or anything so I looked it up just for giggles when we got home and discovered it's $750!!!!!! Seriously? Wow.
So Jack, I know you really want the Peg Perego Polaris Ranger RZR with 24 volts, nitrile traction, MP3 input and roll cage, but come on kid... you'll shoot your eye out. Daddy will take you on a tractor ride this weekend and we'll pretend like this never even happened...
He was a good baby and now he is a good little man. He says "please" and "tank oooo" without having to be reminded, he is a great sleeper, he is nice to his sisters and comforts them if they are upset or hurt. He will pat their backs sweetly and ask "okay?" and sometimes he will even say "sowwy" even though he didn't do anything!
Happy Birthday Jack, we love you!Also, I'm not sure why she is being so serious, but Elizabeth found this ball in the playroom. It is the exact ball that told the girls they would be having a brother. After the big ultrasound, we planned to give the girls a paper bag that would contain a pink ball if it was a sister, or a blue ball if it was a brother. I'll never forget the look on their faces when they pulled out the blue ball. Until that point, they had been praying for a sister. There were a few seconds of total silence, then the gears shifted and the girls start screaming with excitement about their soon to be baby brother. The girls were all about having a brother (a real bug squisher!) from that moment on.
While I was filling the car with gas today, Amanda and Jack played "let's see who can make Mommy lose her cool the fastest" and screamed "Mommy! Mama! Mooooooommy!" the entire time. As we drove away, I asked (in a very polite tone) "Can I please fill the car without you guys screaming like monkeys?" Jack's eyes got wide with excitement and he yelled "ah Monkey? Wheyyah? Wheyyah?" and this picture is what he looked like for the rest of the car ride.
As Jack frantically searched the passing trees for monkeys, Amanda would occasionally yell "there's one!" and Jack would respond "wheyyah?" They both seemed irritated when I told them there were no monkeys roaming around Lexington. Then we pulled up to Elizabeth's school and, in a rare occurence (a sure sign it is the last week of school), all of the kindergartners were on the playground at the same time. It was a loud, crazy, wild looking scene and I started laughing. Amanda and Jack didn't seem to notice the coincidence. We sat in the carpool line, 10 feet away from the playground, on the other side of a mental fence, watching a bunch of six-year-olds fly through the air. When we pulled away Jack said "ah monkey?" and Amanda said "over there!" and Jack said "wheyyah?" and Elizabeth said "I'm hungry and thirsty."