This past week Jay had a conference in Myrtle Beach, so we made it a family event for the weekend. We lucked out with an incredibly nice and kid friendly condo. It was like the owners designed the place for our family, right down to the baby proof outlet covers.

This was the first thing the girls saw in "their" room and they immediately decided it was the best place ever. Jack wasn't so lucky as he slept in the master closet in a pack-n-play, but he still found the condo to be a blast. He was
obsessed with the television because he could actually reach the buttons.


Off. Repeat 1000 times.

Even a few stints in the pokey would not deter Jack from his t.v. button mission for long.

The kids enjoyed sitting on a parrot sofa while watching Spongebob.

They rode dinosaurs...

...and waves (the fake tourist trap kind).

The girls hit the sea shell jackpot. They collected more sea shells in 10 minutes than during all their prior sea shell collecting ventures combined.
The girls are also already talking about what condo we might get next year. Last year "their" room was a nautical theme, this year it was mermaids. Next year Jack gets upgraded from the closet to the kids' room, so they're all hoping for a pirate theme next time around.
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